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At Blue Spiral Consulting, we strive to share the latest research, the best tools, and the most comprehensive models that we have come across in our work with organizations. Below you will find inspiring stories, see some of our favorite resources, learn what we’ve been up to, and stay current with issues that impact all professionals who serve, support and uplift the most vulnerable people on the planet.
“The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”
— Hubert Humphery, 1977 

Managing the Stress of Covid-19 



NC State Health Director on COVID-19 Prevention Tips


Why sudden drop in calls to child abuse hotline due to coronavirus is not good news



Signs of Safety Tools for Covid-19


Scaling COVID19

Safety Planning Flow Chart During COVID



Caring for the Caregivers & Frontline Workers: 



The Body Keeps the Score: Caring for Yourself


Why working from home should be standard practice



Signs of Safety  



Andrew’s Signs of Safety Intro


Using Signs of Safety in High Risk cases


Importance of drawing & images in learning (Words & Pictures)




Blue Spiral News



March 2020 Newsletter

Child Welfare Book Recommendations 

Signs Of Safety
Working with Denied Child Abuse
Strength-Based Child Protection
Effective Child Protection
Art of Focused Conversation

Anti-Racism Resources 

Signs Of Safety
Working with Denied Child Abuse
Strength-Based Child Protection
Effective Child Protection
Art of Focused Conversation
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